I have divided the skills (or "learning targets") into eight categories (or "standards") based around the CAMWS standards. My eight standards are:
1. Reading Skills
2. Grammar Topics
3. Vocabulary
4. Writing Latin
5. Speaking and
Hearing Latin
6. Ancient Culture
7. Tech-savvy
8. Evaluation of Self and Others
The last two are somewhat "fluff" standards, but they are important topics. I like teaching kids actually to USE technology (7) and it seems to me that reflection and evaluation are essential for learning (see Mr. Ludwig). I am concerned mostly with the learning targets that I have drafted to go under the language standards (1-5). I want to make sure I am covering all the bases.
I really want to beg people for comments and feedback. Do you think I am missing skills? Have I over-emphasized some? Take a look (these are for Latin I, Stages 1-9 of Cambridge Latin Course):
1. Reading Skills (these have been heavily influenced by Dr. Hoyos and Mrs. Lindzey)
I can answer questions on any passage from our class
reading list.
I can answer questions on unfamiliar Latin passages which
are at or below my Latin reading level.
I can reply in Latin to common Latin questions.
I can use line analysis to break down Latin sentences.
I can use strategies of anticipation while reading Latin.
I can recognize the common patterns of Latin sentences.
2. Grammar Topics
I can distinguish between the subject, direct object, and
indirect object of a Latin sentence.
I can tell the case, number, and function of Latin nouns.
I can transform nouns of the First, Second, and Third
Declensions into different cases and numbers.
I can translate sentences that include the Nominative,
Dative, and Accusative cases.
I can supply the correct form of a noun to complete a sentence.
I can pick out the verb of a Latin sentence.
I can tell the tense, person, and number of Latin verbs.
I can transform verbs into different tenses, persons, and
I can translate sentences with various tenses, persons,
and numbers of verbs.
I can supply the correct form a verb to complete a
I can pick out adjectives and I know the difference
between positive and superlative adjectives.
I can distinguish between main clauses and subordinate
3. Vocabulary
I know the meanings of the words in the “Words and Phrases” checklist
for each Stage.
4. Writing Latin
I can write Latin sentences with subjects, verbs, direct objects, and
indirect objects and with verbs of various tenses, persons, and numbers.
5. Speaking and
Hearing Latin
I can record Latin dictation.
I can pronounce passages from our class reading list
naturally and with appropriate expression.
I can answer questions about passages I hear.
I can engage in simple Latin conversations on topics
similar to those contained in the readings on our class reading list.
A lot of these learning targets will be taught early and constantly practiced on more and more complicated sentences. That is someone unique with Latin, I think. You aren't always learning new skills; instead, you practice familiar skills on continuously more difficult stuff. For example, recognizing patterns (1.f) is easy in CLC Stage 3, more difficult by Stage 12, and much more difficult when Cicero comes to town. It is, though, at bottom the same skill.
Anyways, the goal is reading Latin. A focus will therefore be placed on reading skills, vocabulary, and grammar, but I understand the role of writing, speaking, and hearing Latin. Have I worded these learning targets well? Would you add some? Delete some? Edit some?
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