
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Standards-based Grading in Student Speak

I failed my students last year in my initial attempt at standards-based grading by not communicating to them what exactly the different levels of the 0-1-2-3-4 scale meant. In penance, I am spending many summer hours drafting detailed rubrics for each learning target for all of my classes. I will share and discuss those here as soon as they are finished.

For now, however, I can share the following document, which will be plastered to my wall next year:
The influence of Chris Ludwig's "letter explaining standards-based grading" is everywhere, especially in the description of the lower ranks. The idea of this poster is to explain roughly what each rank represents in language they can understand. I figure (with Marzano, the ultimate name-drop) that we need a lot less teacher-speak in classrooms.

Leave a comment below or discuss on Google+


  1. Good stuff! Consider this stolen (and laminated) :)

    1. Thanks! Positive comments make me smile. I guess the summer is a good time for that.

    2. I'm right there with you man, and doing the same thing for my math classes! Thanks so much for sharing! Even though I did not succeed in all areas, the change to standards based grading changed my classroom, and I will use my learning curve as an analogy for the students!
      Have a great summer!

    3. Being humble as a teacher is rule #1. I can't imagine truly engaging students with learning if we don't come across as life-long learners ourselves.

  2. This is great! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to seeing your more detailed work also. I especially love your line about Marzano as the "ultimate name drop." Too funny. Thanks again!

  3. I appreciate your commitment to clear communication with students through detailed rubrics.
